Yesterday we launched a new karaoke database browser. With more than 6400 songs, we needed a simple way for you to find your favorite songs.

This new version is available here


The site you’re going to visit by clicking the link above belongs to a bigger site that’s still being developed, and it’s called Karaoke Mugen Server.

KM Server already does :

  • Receiving and centralizing stats sent from Karaoke Mugen instances.
  • URL shortener for your isntance ( that you type in to use your KM Instance.
  • Karaoke database explorer.

In the end, version 1.0 is going to offer :

  • A way for Karaoke Mugen app to browse the karaoke database and download only the songs you’ll need (you don’t need to download everything anymore)
  • Displaying stats we collected so far
  • An online account and favorites system so you can log in with your online credentials on any KM instance connected to the internet.
  • An online mode for Karaoke Mugen which will allow you to run your instance and allow people who are not on your Wifi network to connect to it.
  • A way for you to send us your own karaoke through a web form.

And perhaps other features later.

Who is that for?

Karaoke Mugen Server being an open-source project, it’s linked to the Karaoke Mugen Application that you already know. You can, as a physical person or an organization, manage your own Karaoke Mugen Server, with your own karaoke database.

The Karaoke Mugen app can indeed connect to any Karaoke Mugen Server : if you have a great domain name you’d like to use (like genshi.ken or something) and offer your own songs there, you can do it : any KM App can connect to it.

If for instance we refuse a karaoke that you like for one reason or another, you can with ease manage your own karaoke base and offer to others your awesome karaokes without depending on

If you find this interesting, don’t hesitate to contact us so we can talk about it. Contributing code could also help us a lot.